Student application form

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A deposit and a guarantor who is either a home owner in the UK or is in full time employment in the UK is required for every tenant. Please make sure that you are happy with the property before you pay a deposit, as deposits will not be refunded if you change your mind.

In the event that all parties enter into a Tenancy Agreement in respect of a property, the deposit shall be treated as part of the contractual deposit and will be placed in an approved scheme within 14 days of that agreement being signed under the Tenancy Deposit Schemes Regulations (NI) 2012.

All of the above is Subject to Contract.

Please check you have entered all details correctly:

Property details

Tenant details


Guarantor details

We will send an agreement to this person. It must be signed and returned before the tenancy can commence and keys are given out. Please ensure guarantor permission has been agreed before you provide details, as this can cause a hold up of your application must be signed and returned before the tenancy can commence and keys are given out. . Please ensure guarantor permission has been agreed before you provide details, as this can cause a hold up of your application.

Previous rental history If you have stayed in rental accommodation

Tenant employment details

We collect personal information about you in this form to assess your application for a tenancy.

We may need to collect information about you from previous landlords or letting agents, your current or previous employer and your referees as well as guarantors. By signing this application form you give us your consent to collect this information and use it for the lawful purposes of fulfilling your contractual obligations. If you do not complete this form or do not sign the consent below, then your application for a tenancy may not be considered by the owner of the relevant property, or if considered, may be rejected.

Criteria for reference

  • Landlord:
    Current or previous landlord
  • Employer:
    Current or previous employer
  • Self employed:
    Reference from Accountant
  • Character:
    Professional person - not a relative or friend - known for 3 or more years.

Reference details 1

Reference details 2

Tenant criteria

In order to be accepted as a prospective tenant you need to be able to provide Property Link with evidence as to how you will be able to pay your monthly rent. Below are the criteria which you will need to fulfil in order to be accepted as a tenant if you are either in full time employment or claiming housing benefit.

Full Time Employed Tenant

  • Photographic I.D. (Passport/driving licence)
  • Proof of monthly income such a wage slip(3 monthly pay slip if paid monthly or 4 consecutive payslips if paid weekly)
  • A guarantor who is either in full time employment or a home owner (proof of their status required)

Housing Benefit / Universal Credit Tenant

  • Photographic I.D. (Passport/driving licence)
  • Proof of housing benefit/universal credit entitlement. If you are already claiming housing benefit please provide us with proof of your current award, such as a letter from the Housing Executive confirming this or a print out of your entitlement from the Housing Executive office.
  • A guarantor who is either in full time employment or a home owner (proof of their status required)

Student Tenant

  • Photographic I.D. (Passport/driving licence)
  • Proof of student status such as course enrolment documentation or student I.D. card (not expired)
  • A guarantor who is either in full time employment or a home owner (proof of their status required)

It is essential that you provide all of the criteria listed above (depending on which type of tenancy you are taking) as soon as possible in order for us to process your application.

Guarantor criteria

In order to act as a guarantor for a tenant the guarantor will need to be either in full time employment or be a home owner and be able to offer proof that they meet either of these criteria. We can accept any of the following documents as proof that the guarantor meets the criteria required:

Full Time Employment
(included in this must be evidence of their monthly income)

  • Wage/pay slip (3 months' worth of income)

Full Time Self Employment
(included in this must be evidence of their monthly income)

  • Self-assessment tax document/letter
  • Letter/document from accountant showing income

Home owner
(This document must show the guarantor's name and address of the property they own)

  • Most recent Rates bill
  • Mortgage Statement / Letter
  • Home Building Insurance Policy/letter (We cannot accept contents insurance)
  • Property Deeds
  • Official letter from Solicitor confirming home ownership

We only require ONE of the above documents and it must be no older than 6 months in date. In addition to this we also require photographic I.D. for all guarantors such as driving licence or passport as well as proof of current address.

Please note we do not accept bank statements, credit card statements or utility bills as proof of home ownership but they can be accepted as proof of address. If the person nominated to act as guarantor is unable or unwilling to provide any of the above then they will not be able to proceed to be the guarantor.

All of the above documents MUST be in place with Property Link before we can handover keys to any prospective tenant.

Terms and conditions


The deposit should only be paid once you have received written confirmation from Property Link following a viewing that the landlord has accepted your application. Once the deposit is paid, it is non-refundable should you decide not to proceed with the tenancy.

Rent Payment:

You will be asked to pay rent pro rata from the day you move into the property.

All future payments will be due on the 1st of every month. All rent is calculated over the calendar month. A £30 late fee will be applied if rent is not paid on the 1st of the month.

Rent needs to be paid from the agreed moving in date even if you have not moved into the property due to delay caused by yourself (lack of documents and other agency requirements) or if you decide to pull out after being accepted.

Rent Breakdown:

All rent payments are due on the 1st of each month and the rent amount is calculated over the calendar month. Below shows the amount you will pay per month.

Rent breakdown

All rent payments are due on the 1st of each month and the rent amount is calculated over the calendar month. Below shows the amount you will pay per month.

Rent per week is equivalent to Rent per month
£70 £304
£75 £325
£80 £347
£85 £368
£90 £390
£95 £412

Joint tenancy information


Joint tenancy:

Joint tenants are all equally responsible for paying the full rent. You all have the same rights and responsibilities.

Tenancy agreement:

You have a joint tenancy if you and the other tenants all signed a single tenancy agreement with a landlord when you moved in.

If each of you signed a separate agreement with the landlord, you have separate tenancies.

Paying the rent when you're a joint tenant:

Joint tenants are each jointly and individually responsible for paying the whole rent.

If one tenant moves out without giving notice or doesn't pay their share of the rent, the other joint tenants may be held responsible for paying it for them.

If none of you pay your rent, your landlord can ask any one of you to pay the outstanding rent. Your guarantors are all equally responsible for rent and damages during the terms of the agreement.

Upload Files and Media

You can add files and media to accompany your application and upload here. Alternatively you can attach any photos to an e-mail and send to:

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